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"As time goes on, it is an essential practice to declutter within!" -

"Meditate, focus on thoughts, realize your feelings, eliminate what does not serve you, re-center, relax and distress"

I posted a quote on the Instagram page which said, "As time goes on, it is an essential practice to declutter within!" Since this is a practice that works best with setting aside time, I wanted to make a blog post about how effective this practice can be. I have learned over the years that thoughts come with a time frame. Not every thought gained is to be taken with us in the future. I've had beliefs that needed to be dismantled in my mind for me to evolve along my journey. I've had feelings that caused me more confusion than clarity. I would carry these feelings everyday and think eventually they would leave or disappear. When in reality, you have to sometimes work to remove them peacefully.

NOTE: Your feelings are valid! Listen to your intuition!

I posted on Instagram story about what you can do to declutter within.


Now, I know some people feel intimidated by meditation, however, meditation can be as simple as sitting for 3 minutes and focussing on your life. Join Instagram for LIVE guided meditations! By meditating you can become aligned with the flow of life and create this peaceful pace within your mind. It's truly about transitioning your mind from going 50 miles per hour to 10 miles per hour or even 5 miles per hour. Slow it down and begin to realize this pace and how this pace is going to allow clarity.

Once this pace is distinguished you can begin to focus on your thoughts. Some thoughts linger in the forefront of our minds that we are unconscious about. These thoughts ultimately hold a certain power over the way we perceive our world. If I am thinking that I am not where I am supposed to be, then my perception of my reality will always make me think as so, even when I am where I am meant to be.

Now, we need to realize how we're feeling because we will see how our thoughts are controlling our feelings. Sticking with the other example, if you feel your not where you are supposed to be and that makes you feel weak and insecure; then we can start to realize that these are not the feelings that best represent you! These are feelings that are coming from the thoughts that we have not yet decluttered from my inner world. If you want to feel better then it is an important task to visualize this thought as a physical object and say, "I will not give power to this thought any longer." This way you are aware of this thought and in control of your reaction to it.

As you do this, you might realize other thoughts begin to fall away because they can not sustain their position while you have dismantled this negative thought party! Once this happens focus on coming back to yourself! You might feel light from releasing so much baggage. Know that at this moment, you don't have to fill yourself up, allow yourself to naturally draw you towards things that will fill yourself with love.

Relax and distress! You have done it once again!

Peace :)

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